Saturday, October 22, 2016

OMaD - Week 43

This has been a rough week...

October 16 - October 22

Day 290: 17.01 Mile - This started out as a great run. 15 miles weren't too hard. I had basically zigzagged back and forth on the side of the like that I prefer to run on. The last four miles involved the hills near the area I typically park. The last two miles were the hardest. I was hitting the wall, but I got it done. I felt like dying when I got to my car. I tried to stretch it out, but I just needed to get home. So I drove home. The moment I got out of the car I realized that I was in a lot of pain. I could barely walk. My fiance had to help me into the apartment (literally step up 3-4 inches), take of my shoes helped me to the floor where I laid there. I foam rolled. I didn't feel so bad. But I hobbling for the reminder of the day. It was bad, guys. I had shooting pain in my hip and side upper thigh. Hip flexor area? I had texted my mom that night that I would probably need her help when it came to getting some chores done the next day.

Day 291: 0 Mile - I was limping more than hobbling, but I was still in aches and pains. I managed to get some chores done before my mom decided to kidnap me to spend time with her. I needed it!

Day 292: 4.00 Miles - So, I decided I would try to run to see how I felt. After 21 minutes and 1.5 miles I knew that I shouldn't run.

Day 293: 0 Mile -Yep. Wednesday.

Day 294: 7.00 Mile - So I gave the elliptical another try. This time I made it to 6 or 7 miles. I'm thinking 7, but my memory is a little foggy. I didn't feel bad the rest of the day, just achy. My hip did hurt later in the evening when I was on my feet a lot at work, but then it popped and there was some relief.

Day 295: 0 Mile - Today the hip/leg deal is hurting, and it was frustrating. MS and I ended up going to Winco after work. This was the first time I've been been to such a store, and I was completely unprepared! I got some veggie chips, dried fruit and some chocolate chips, but I should've gotten more! By the time we got home it was late, and we ended up getting Taco Bell for dinner. Hmmmm! It took us practically a whole year of us dating and getting engaged to go to Taco Bell together.

Day 296: 0 Mile - I pretty much did not want to work today. The aches and pains have gotten to me. There are other stresses that I cannot control and they got to me. I pretty much had a breakdown before work to the point I was late to work. I'm not sure I'm gonna be able to run 18 or anything at all tomorrow.

Total Miles this week: 28.01 Miles 

Miles to Date: 660.02 Miles

How was your week?

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

OMaD - Week 42

This is the week that I've felt like crap and really want to make some changes... and stick to them.

October 9 - October 15

Day 283: 0 Mile - It felt amazing to sleep in! This may be my last or second the last Sunday that I'd be able to sleep in until after the marathon in December! Aaah! My fiance and I had brunch out before getting to work on some things like writing and mailing our thank you cards for our engagement party (I still made the month deadline!). 

Day 284: 0 Mile - No cross training again, but I should have. I was achy still from the half marathon last Saturday. I got my oil change done and visited my parents for a bit. Then it was office to the Texas State Fair with my hubby-to-be. We had a lot of fun. Got to try a Fletcher's corn dog for the first time. Got to see adorable animals and ride the Ferris Wheel. We probably could've used at least another hour or two to see everything that we wanted, but we also were just plain stuck in line for the Ferris Wheel for a while. It was a lot of fun. We did try the new Fried Jello treat, and it was pretty good tasting!

Day 285: 7.00 Miles - My achilles was achy at the beginning of the run, but disappeared around the 5k mark. Then at mile 4.5 or 5 it was back, and it was starting to hurt worse. I pretty much cut my run from 8 to 7 cause I felt like I was hobbling while running. Not good. I got the car and headed home. The rest of the day I was achy until around 7pm that night. I think my one pair of running shoes are worn out even thought I'm not quite up to 300 miles on them yet. But, I also think I'm getting to the point of training where I'm feeling everything. I also talked to my running friend and 10x marathon JDB. She just finished her 10th marathon in Chicago, and while she was training she lost 14 pounds. I had to ask how she did it cause I need to some serious help. Basically, portions, counting calories, more fruits and veggies and so on. Everything that I need to do...

Day 286: 0 Mile - The day started out well, but after eating a box lunch provided by work I felt like crap. All I had was a roast beef sandwich and chocolate chip cookie, but I felt sick afterwards complete with headache and stomachache. I ate a small portion of spaghetti for dinner then had a banana and a slice of sourdough bread to help the hunger. I probably should've had more pasta, but I really want to get better this eating thing!

Day 287: 8.01 Mile - For this morning run I wore my knee-high compression socks for the first time (while running). It wasn't too bad! I was worried that I'd be annoyed with them after awhile. However, that wasn't a case. I tried to take my time with this run because I didn't know how my legs and achilles were going to act during this run. Plus, I was trying to slow myself down. Basically. My legs felt good, but my hip flexors were achy! Finally around mile 5.5 or 6 that went away (I think it helped that I was running on an even surface). I finish the run and felt pretty darn good! Yay! While on my run I was thinking about yoga. I've been wondering if I should try a class somewhere to see if it'd help me with aches and pains but also help give me some tone? Hmmmm.

Day 288: 0 Mile - Rest day! Full of good food and junk... My besties and I went to Shakespeare in the Park last night after work. We proceeded to stuff ourselves with Pei Wei and cheesecake. It was a lot of fun!

Day 289: 0 Mile - Work! But it was great afterwards cause MS and I had dinner with our friend (his bestie) BM.We went to this new vegan restaurant and it was really good!

Total Miles this week: 15.02 Miles 

Miles to Date: 632.01 Miles

How was your week?

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

BCS Marathon Training - Progress Report 2

I've changed things up a little in the training schedule. Since I was having trouble waking up early enough on Fridays for cross training, I've switched to Monday for gym cross training. I'm still going to try to get a kettlebell work out on Friday morning, but I can basically jump out of bed and do that in my apartment. We'll see how it goes!

Here's what's going on so far in training!

R = Rest*
# = Miles (running or cycling)
CT = Cross Training

*Rest days I don't do anything other than chill/work/walk 1 mile. I may do light core workouts, especially if I missed it on CT day.


Sunday: 12.01 miles - This was such a great run! The weather was perfect. Only a little too warm at the very end. I

Monday: 7.35 miles cross training - This was a good training day. I actually went to the gym! Cycled for 30 minutes. Then I did a 20 minute kettlebell workout. I should have done the kettlebell another time or just start doing it more often cause I was so sore the next few days.

Tuesday: 6.01 miles - Slow run. So sore! Ack!

Thursday: 6.01 miles -I finally loosened up during this run, but not a lot. I was still sore, but it was definitely better! It was sooo humid this day! I was dripping sweat from the brim of my hat! I totally ran in the shade back and forth, back and forth to help me survive!

Friday: 0 miles/cross - I didn't do any cross training this day since I was so sore. Plus, as expected I was tired! 


Sunday: 9.01 miles - This was a good run. I purposely made myself walk to get the timing right for a surprise party for my boyfriend that turned into a surprise engagement party for the both of us. It was a little harder to do than the 12 last week, but I also think it was the heat and humidity that was getting to me.

Monday: 7.33 miles cross training - I rode for 30 minutes on the gyms' cycle. I did a little arm work out with the kittlebell, but nothing of significance.

Tuesday: 6.52 miles -  Running 6.5 instead of 8 was a great idea (remember I'm running a 5k race on Saturday) cause I don't think I was mentally prepared for it. I'm glad I had the htought that I could just minus out the mileage that I'll be running on Saturday at the Plano Balloon Fest 5k. Not that running 3.1 miles could push me over into over training, but I was thinking of my long run this coming Sunday, which is set for 14 miles. I don't want to be tired for it.

Thursday: 5.50 miles - This was a mentally tough run. But I got it done. Thankfully it was cooler than last Thursday!

Friday: 0 miles/cross - Nothing! Exhausted as usual this morning and was just happy to make it to work on time! I know I sound like a broken record when I say I'll try again next week. However, I'm starting to think that won't happen.

Saturday: 3.10 miles - Plano Balloon Fest 5k. It was a good little race. A little challenging because of all the other runners. It started to thin out around mile 2 or so. I ran the entire thing in 34 minutes, which was nice. 


Sunday: 14.01 miles - Horrible run. I hated it. My heart and my head wasn't into it from the moment I woke up, especially since there was potential rain/storms heading my way. It was humid. I was already a little achy from the race the day before. I got rained on twice, which was fine with me cause I felt a little bad ass. But then I got a little chilly. Then my feet were achy cause they were in wet socks and shoes. I was ready for home. I pushed through the last 6 miles after I stopped by the car to dry my phone off and find a plastic bag for it. I seriously talking to myself that maybe this would be my last marathon training and just focus on half marathons after this year. We'll see. I was so happy to be home and dry.

Monday: 0 miles - I didn't do any cross training today. 

Tuesday: 7.51 miles - I split the two mid-week miles evenly, which I started doing during last year's marathon training. This was a good run with good weather and temps. Little humidity. So nice. I'll take more like it. Since my shoes were were still damp I did get to run in a new pair, which felt great. But I'm not yet ready to transition to a new pair yet, but they were oh, so nice.

Thursday: 7.51 miles - Another good run! This is great! Granted I had a heck of a time to wake up, but I definitely had some personal stuff to run through. I felt good during the run. After the run.... not so much. Extreme tiredness and mental exhaustion kicked in. I should get some gold stars for making it through work.

Friday: 0 miles/cross - No cross training today either.


Sunday: 15.01 miles - This was a really good run! I got to the lake super early, and was surprised as to how many runners were out there already. It wasn't even light out! The run was easy goes it for the most part. I decided that I would double back every so often instead running back then down the other side of the lake. I think that helped my mental block that sometimes happens after I get past 8 miles. I had given myself 4 hrs to complete the run (if it was going bad), and I got it done in 03:25 (complete with potty break). So, not too bad. I felt very accomplished!

Monday: 00 miles/cross - Completely unmotivated today. Nothing done again.

Tuesday: 7.51 miles - This was a challenging run during the middle of it. My muscles felt tired. I was dehydrated the day before, which doesn't help. Plus, I didn't go to the gym and cycle out in kinks from Sunday. Oh, well.

Thursday: 7.51 miles - Sluggish miles. I was muscle-tired going into the run, which pretty much was the reason why it took time and effort to complete.

Friday: 0 miles/cross -

Saturday: 13.20 miles- I had a good race experience at the Showdown Half Marathon in Fairview. I decided to wear a newer pair of shoes for the cushion, which was the best decision I made. I think I fueled properly, which was some waffles and peanut butter before I got to the race. Then one of those new Clif Nut-Filled bars 30 minutes before the start. I had extra waffles and peanut butter for fueling during the race. I did have to pee a couple times during the race, which was annoying, but manageable. It was good race overall, and it was nice to be back in my average finish time. I did feel pretty achy when I got home, to be expected. After a nap I went out to shop, and I got achy (right in the hip area) again. I'm not sure if I didn't stretch properly or if I'm just starting to feel things more during training.


There were a lot of ups and downs mentally during the last four weeks. Toward the end of this month I was also feeling it physically. As of right now, I'm not sure if I'm gonna be running another full marathon after the BCS in December. Of course, that could all change.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

OMaD - Wekk 41

A long week full of awesome stuff and gobs an gobs of running. 

October 2 - October 8

Day 276: 15.01 Miles - Since I had to work this day, I got up uber early to get to the lake at a decent time. I was giving myself 4 hours to compete the 15 miles. I actually completed the miles in 03:25, which includes a potty stop. The weather was nice. There were actually a lot of runners out running the dark, which is good to know cause I'll have to be going out earlier now that my mileage is going to be above 13 pretty much from now on every Sunday. Eek! I got home and my fiance made a delicious breakfast, which put me into a food coma. So I got a snooze then I was off to work, where I work compression socks all day. It was a loooong day.

Day 277: 0 Mile - No cross training today. I was so tired and unmotivated that I pretty sat on my couch and had a phone call with my mom. I did manage to shower and go to the grocery store before spending the evening with MS.

Day 278: 7.51 Miles - This was a tough run cause my muscles were not ready to run after a certain distance. It got better at the end, but was still a challenge. I ate horribly after that and my blood sugar was all over the place. Work was so much fun. Yeah, not so much.

Day 279: 0 Mile - Rest day, and another stress breakdown day. Thankfully my hubby-to-be helped out and we have a game plan to help us out with this monumental task of a wedding.

Day 280: 7.51 Miles - So sluggish and tiring run. Thankfully I had the day off to rest and do absolutely nothing until it was time to meet up with my bestie and drive to a music concert. We stood for hours and rocked out.

Day 281: 0 Mile - I'm getting Granted I'm in the middle of marathon training, but my body is so sore from running and a concert yesterday. But it was all worth it!

Day 282: 13.20 Mile -Showdown Half Marathon! I don't do the football thing, so I was a "neutral runner"instead of choosing Texas or OU. The race went really well. It was a good size with just enough people. The course was challenging enough with hills and basically going out into the middle of nowhere where there big fancy houses. Plus, the mileage was only 0.10 difference (ran 13.20 instead of 13.1). It was great having a running buddy (HC) with me this time around to talk to or to just know that there was someone there for you. Oh, and not to mention a slight competition that tends to happen between us. My average pace was went between 11:30 and 13:10. What was great was I was going about an average 13:00 mile for the middle of the race, but for Mile 12 - 13.2 I had negative splits with 11:30 mile average. Nice! We were given big heavy medals, which was very cool, and I finally got try my first Nothing But Bundt cake. It was so tasty! I got to chat with Heather for a bit before going home to spend the rest of the day with my love!

Total Miles this week: 43.23 Miles 

Miles to Date: 616.99 Miles

How was your week?

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

OMaD - Week 40

Cold front. Rain. Tough long distance run. Better mid-week runs.

September 25 - October 1

Day 269: 14.01 Miles -This was the hardest and most horrible run I have had yet during this training season. My head and heart wasn't into the run. I was up before dawn trying to figure out the weather forecast. The cold front was moving in and that means rain an scattered thunderstorms. I ended up going. It started out ok. It humid. Then at around mile 3 or so it down poured. About 1.5 miles later it stopped. I didn't feel bad about running in the rain. It was definitely cooler. But I was worried about my phone getting wet (my Fitletics belt doesn't seem to water resistant). My legs hurt. My feet hurt. I was hungry at one point and didn't bring enough fuel so I had ration it carefully. Then it rained a little more. Basically. It took 30 minutes longer than expected for me to get this run in. I was doubting myself. Doubting ever running marathons again after this one since at the rate I was going it'd take my 6.5 hours to finish a full marathon. It was rough. I made it home through a big rain storm. Thankfully my fiance was ready for me with a towel, and made me a great breakfast while I warmed up in a shower.

Day 270: 0 Miles Cross Training -No cross training today. I felt like I had so much to do in terms of errands and such. Thanks to the cool front, rain in the morning and cloudy skies all day... I had to wear jeans today!

Day 271: 7.51 Miles - Technically I was supposed to run 8 miles today, but I think I'm getting to the point that I'm going to try to evenly split the miles for my two mid-week runs. Since the shoes I ran in on Sunday were still damp I pulled out one of my new pairs, which were a lot of fun to run in.  The run was really good, which makes me happy.

Day 272: 0 Mile - Rest day, and I'm happy about it! I felt blah all day and had stressful discussions via text, which resulted in a stressed evening.

Day 273: 7.51 Miles - Woke up feeling like I could sleep for days. But I got out there and did the run. It was a nice run. Hoping to have more like it, especially on Sunday! But by the time I got to work I was done.

Day 274: 0 Mile - Rest day! Yay!

Day 275: 0 Mile - Not too bad of a day. Trying to keep myself positive for my long run tomorrow morning.

Total Miles this week: 29.03 Miles 

Miles to Date: 573.76 Miles

How was your week?