Wednesday, April 27, 2016

OMaD - Week 17 Recap

Another rainy week where I get to travel to another very wet city to another!

April 17 - 23

Day 108: 0 Miles - Nothing big today. Just hanging out with my main squeeze and doing laundry for my upcoming trip. While we made brunch I wish we had a screened in porch so that we could sit outside and smell and hear the rain.

Day 109: 6.21 Miles - Happy Boston Marathon Day!!! Being my day off I had to get my own miles in. Nothing as epic as the marathon, but totally great in its own way. I was initially planning for a 5 miler through a flooded park (I had to stick to the high ground tails), but as I was heading back to the car I realized I'd be around 5.70. Well, I couldn't help but run the extra half mile to get the 10k distance in! It was gray and cloudy, humid (if I stopped I would immediately begin to sweat like crazy!), but it was nice. Right at the end it also started to rain. It was awesome!

Day 110: 0 Miles - First day of my business trip. Very, very early morning start. I was exhausted when I got to Houston. Thankfully we had no flooding or cancellations to worry about.

Day 111: 0 Miles - So, so tired. Good learning. Houston is humid, people!

Day 112: 0 Miles - Well, this is typically my day when I get a run in. But I've been so tired and dehydrated that I couldn't get myself to go to the gym. At. All.

Day 113: 0 Miles - Ahhh! Got home in the early evening. My awesome boyfriend took me out to dinner.

Day 114: 0 Miles - Back to work. Boo! I'm so ready for my weekend! I got to meet up with my besties. I took them to the hot pot place that MS took me the other week. It was so much fun!

Total Miles this week:  6.21 Miles  

Miles to Date: 191.07Miles

How was your week?

Monday, April 18, 2016

OMaD - Week 16 Recap

Another busy week, but I got my runs in!

April 10 - 16

Day 101: 1 Mile -  Took the doggies on a walk this morning before I got to work for my monthly obligatory workday. The reminded me of how I did that every day for almost a whole year! I need to work on that! Work was definitely a practice in patience and frustrations. So! I decided that I would make waffles from scratch (no premade mix here!) with eggs and bacon. Yum! Oh, and unsweetened apple butter on waffles... Double Yum!

Day 102: 5.01 Miles - I was aiming for 6 around the small neighborhood park near where I was doggy sitting. However, I had picked the right time when groups of moms were doing their morning walks. It started to rain lightly but it didn't deter everyone from clearing out. Once another group joined the fitness party as I was finishing Mile 5 I was ready to call it.

Day 103: 0 Miles - No miles today on the cycle. But I did do a 20 minute kettlebell workout. Not a whole lot of awesome, but it's still 20 minutes!

Day 104: 0 Miles - Work was busy at the very end, which makes it crazy! Afterwards, it was date night. We had some very delicious ramen soup. I also Takoyaki - bake octopus pastries. That was an experience! There was a little piece of octopus in each of the pastry balls, and it was a little rubbery and purple! Hee hee!

Day 105: 4.08 Miles - I was a very forgetful girl today! Doh! I made it to the park for my run and realized that I left my phone at home. I listen to music and is my emergency safety net when I go for a run alone. Doh! Well, I ran anyway sans music, and it was pretty nice. It helped me process and thing about my run but also life's stuff that I need to sort out. Then, when I heading to work, I left my leftover ramen soup in the fridge! Doh! But thankfully I had veggies and fruit at work. Plus, my boss bought us tacos since we had a staff meeting today. Score! I probably ate more than what my calorie count should be for today, but... TACOS!

Day 106: 3.10 Miles - A day off from work! Yay! It was such a nice morning with great temps and partially cloudy skies that I felt I HAD to run and enjoy! So I did a 5k distance. Then it was off to get my car's oil change. Just as I was enjoying a nice salad for lunch I found out that my boyfriend was getting off of work earlier than I thought, which nearly put a wrench in my plans to arrive when he does with groceries for me to make dinner!So I gobbled down my salad and set out to make it to the grocery store before he got to his apartment. I must say it was a great success! He loved the surprised and my cooking! Plus, he barely helped me this time around - he tried so hard he gets gold stars! Since we had all this extra time together I got to finish watching 11.22.63! That is a great mini series, people!

Day 107: 0 Miles - Lazy day at work and at home. Perfect.

Total Miles this week:  13.19 Miles 

Miles to Date: 184.86 Miles

How was your week?

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

OMaD - Week 15 Recap

It's April! I have no races coming up, which feels so weird. Granted there is one on May 1, but I'm hoping spend that money on a weekend getaway or just to save up for potentially registering for Marathon #2. Hmmmm... At any rate, this is the month I am trying hard to eat better, drink more water, and hopefully kick start some fat loss!

April 3 - 9

Day 94: 2 Miles - Had a great day with my main squeeze! He fixed my car's headlight. Yay! Then after a delicious lunch we walked around Arbor Hills in Plano. Then it was home for some The Walking Dead!

Day 95: 4.01 Miles - This run was a little hard, but I got it done. I then totally binged watch Bates Motel all day long. I did take breaks to go to the store, chop veggies to roast, run a loud of laundry, do dishes, and tidy my apartment a bit.

Day 96: 7 Miles - So I spinned for 30 minutes, but I think the calculator was off because it said I spinned 18 miles! Whah?! It did not feel like 18 miles, so I cut the distance a little more in half - to what I typically can do in 30 minutes. After that I did some kettlebell work. I'm trying hard to do keep up with it. I'm also stopping eating sugar except on one or two days a week and watching my calories/portions.

Day 97: 0 Miles - Day 2 of watching calories and portions. I did very well. Had a very tasty taco bowl with rice. Then my splurge was a drumstick ice cream cone. That is all. I'm doing good! Whew! 

Day 98: 4.01 Miles - It was a great morning for a 4 miler. I probably could've gone for 5, but I was ready for some coffee. Hee hee.

Day 99: 0 Miles - Long morning. Since I'm doggy sitting for the family, and MS came down to have dinner with me. In just as good as news I found a place to stay in Vancouver for the SeaWheeze Half Marathon! Yay! One less thing to worry about. Now I have to play the game of finding a flight, and to figure out if I need to buy tickets before my bestie JM knows if she can make it or not.

Day 100: 0 Miles - There was so much sabotage in the lounge at work! Oh my gosh!!!

But I did not have a single thing! After work I had a delicious yet unhealthy dinner with my boyfriend and my sister (Whoa! The two of them together!) at Babes Chicken. My mom was pretty happy with that idea. After that we all went to Old Navy to shop the sales. I just got tank tops to sleep in.

Total Miles this week:  17.02 Miles

Miles to Date: 171.67Miles

How was your week?

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

OMaD - Week 14 Recap

What happened to March? Hello, April!

March 27- April 2

Day 87: 0 Miles - Happy Easter! My mom, MS and I pretty much spent our day in the kitchen making Easter supper. 

Day 88: 3.10 Miles - Ran a 5k late in the morning. The insides of the lower legs ached so bad when I did this. I was gonna go for 4 miles, but had to stop. This better than happen again! 

Day 89: 0 Miles - I had a professional development worskshop to go to in the morning so now cross training this day!

Day 90: 0 Miles - Another Wednesday day with big storms coming. I pretty had the radar up on my computer allll day because I was anxious about it. Driving over to MS's wasn't as bad as I feared too. I was so ready to relax.

Day 91: 0 Miles - Well. I just wanted to snuggle with my kitty this morning, so I skipped my morning run so that I could cuddle and sleep with the cat.

Day 92: 0 Miles - Nothing but work and a nice date night!

Day 93: 0 Miles - I had a pretty busy day at work along with donuts!

Total Miles this week:  3.10 Miles

Miles to Date: 154.65 Miles

How was your week?