Sunday, February 28, 2016

OMaD - Week 9 Recap

Not a bad week at all!

February 21- February 27

Day 52:  0 Miles - A gray drizzly day with MS. We went to the theaters to watch the TCM Big Screen Classic event showing of The Maltese Falcon! At first we were the youngest people in the audience, but some showed up a little later. After that we had some amazingly tasty pizza from Cane Rosso!!! I think it may be the best pizza I've ever eaten.

Day 53:  9.01 Miles - I made it out to White Rock Lake finally for the first time this year and since running my marathon! It was a lot chillier than I was expecting, especially on the north side of the lake, which is where I was situation this time around. Knowing that I wasn't going to like just wearing arm warmers with a tee and capries I ended up wearing my zip hoodie for the first two miles. After that I had it rolled up and tied around my waste. My achilles wasn't particularly happy during the first 3 miles, but after the 4 mile turn around it was feeling better. At around Mile 7 I started to hit the mental wall, and knew my body may hit the wall sooner than later. During the Hot Chocolate 15k I did the same thing at Mile 7.5, which means I need this is something for me to work on. The last 2 miles were a chore, but I did it. Looking at the stats I averaged a sub 11:30 splits, which is awesome! After getting clean I met my friend HL for a sushi lunch before I pigged out on snickerdoodle cookies at my parents place. Seriously, homemade snickerdoodles are the bomb, people! I have no will power against cookies... which means I ate a lot though. Oh well.

Day 54:  3.12 Miles - I soooo did not want to wake up this morning. It was chilly, gray and raining out. But I eventually got my butt to the gym downstairs and did a 5k distance spin session. Then back upstairs I did a 25 minute kettlebell workout.

Day 55:  0 Miles - During my kettelbell workout the other morning I could tell I was tired and I couldn't do a full-hearted workout. Boy, am I feeling it this morning! Then, I laughed so much at a joke I made with MS that my abs were hurting, which means I know that my ab portion of the workout is working too! Buuuuut. Then, again, I ruined my diet by eating so much cookies. In fact, I've eaten cookies for the past three days. I have a problem. I should start a Cookies Anonymous group.

Day 56:  3.23 Miles - It took all I got to get up this morning to go run. It was cooold. Well, to me it was. The temperature around 7am was 39 degrees and by the time I'd go out it'd be low 40s. Uuuh. Not fun. Plus the apartment was cold because the heater wasn't one either. After eating my pre-run breakfast I actually ended up sleeping for another 45 minutes. Even when I was awake, I didn't want to leave the warmth of the bed! I seriously debated just going to the treadmill were it's warmer, but I knew that I'd have a better workout if I ran outside. I finally made it out there and got a good 5k in, which is better than nothing, but not quite the 6 miles I was thinking. Oh! and you should be so proud of me! I had not cookies or processed sweets today! Yay!

Day 57:  0 Miles - Date night! I made honey sriracha hummus for the first time, which was very tasty. Then we had some tasty tasty bratwursts with onions, macaroni salad, and potato salad. All followed by black cherry Tallamook ice cream. Yum! Oh, and it was Dexter night too!

Day 58:  0 Miles - Today I started thinking about this year and races. Thanks to my running buddy HC. I started wondering how many halves I should do. If I should run another marathon in December. I'm all so very tempted. I was worried what would happen to my dating life if I decided to change things up in the fall and train for the marathon. I know MS would be OK with everything and be supportive, but I know what people say about what happens when you train for a marathon. Granted I met him in the middle of my last marathon training, which means he's special. I don't know what life's going to bring me this year, but at least I have some time to think about the marathon. I have a little less time to think about two half marathons that this Spring. Hmmm...

Total Miles this week:  15.36 Miles

Miles to Date: 80.86 Miles

How was your week? 


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

OMaD - Week 8 Recap

I swear... and promise!... I'll do better this time! I really need to crack down on my nutrition. I'm not happy that I still have my extra padding around the middle. I miss me old pants, especially since I can't find the next size up in the stores right now.

February 14 - February 20

Day 45:  0 Miles - Happy Valentine's Day! My sweet, MS, and I spent all day in our PJs watching the second season of The Walking Dead. We had a very tasty and savory brunch of Shakshuka and challah. Then he cooked me a surf and turf dinner. I made him two types of rice crispy treats, one made form Fruity Pebbles (so pretty!) and one regular. They didn't stand a chance between the to of us! So tasty! We don't do too much of a Valentine's thing because romance should be all year round, but he did made a framed picture of me that has a special meaning to the both of us and gave me a sweet little card and love note. I got him the new James Bond blue ray and bag of gummy bears.

Day 46:  0 Miles - Well. I had intentions on running. But after a day of eating a lot of food and treats the day before, my tummy wasn't happy. So, I pretty much hung around at home with the kitty cat and watched NCIS. I did talk to my lovey about a training schedule that is conducive to our days we can see each other. We discovered that we really like having brunch on Sundays around 11am. I After working Saturdays, I do like sleeping in and meeting up for lunch since stead of getting up at an not-so-fun early hour to run. So basically, for now, I'm going to be switching to a long distance run on Mondays, cross/strength-training on Tuesdays, and medium distance on Thursdays. Depending, I might be able to add another cross-training day if I can get MS to come with me to the gym. Of course, when I go into marathon training mode this will probably have to change, but I have time to figure that out.

Day 47:  4.51 Miles - I hit the gym to cycle for 30 minutes, which is where I got my 4.51 miles. Then I did a 20-minute kettlebell workout. I'm trying to drink more water and not eat all. the. time. We'll see how it goes! I'm trying really hard to ignore the chocolate and yogurt covered pretzels that are in the work lounge as I type this!!

Day 48:  0 Miles - Nothing today but work, meetings, more work before I got to hang out with my honey. We watched the first episode of Stephen King's 11.22.63 on Hulu with tasty sandwiches and an ice cream cone. I was also hit with some serious cramps that not even ibuprofen could kick (which it typically does).


Day 49:  4.02 Miles - Despite feel like my insides were killing me at 5am, I got out and ran four miles later in the morning! Yay! When I got to the grocery store, I needed some chocolate and opted for this. I gotta say, this is pretty darn good tasting! And... I ate the entire bar... Hee hee.

Day 50:  2.03 Miles -I've gotten into the habit of waking up around 6amish (and sometimes not!). I had made a goal last night to run 3 miles in the morning on the treadmill before work. I managed to get to the gym just before 7am, but I could only do 2 miles because my legs were tiring out too quickly. Well. Better than nothing!!!! Yay, me! I wish, however, that it had helped my mood. I was grouchy alllll day long until I got home.

Day 51:  0 Miles -This was a multi-cup coffee day. I pretty planned on cracking open one of those single serve instant Startbucks coffee thingy during my lunch hour, but right before that happened my boyfriend MS surprised me by stopping by work to deliver a cup of delicious coffee from The Pearl Cup coffee shop! Love all around!

Total Miles this week:  10.56 Miles

Miles to Date: 65.50 Miles

Sunday, February 14, 2016

OMaD - Week 7 Recap

The week after my first race of the year! Boy, did I feel it! I also starting to see a glimpse of an actual training schedule forming for me. We'll see on how it goes next week and if I can keep it up!

February 7 - February 13

Day 38: 0 Miles - I was achy after the Hot Chocolate Run the day before. But, boy did I feel it today! After a very relaxing morning that included some muscle ache cream (the first time I ever tried it, and it wasn't too bad), I met up with my two besties J and K for our monthly get-together. I took them to Ramen Hakata in Addison. These girls had never had real ramen before, and it was high time that I introduced them to it. And to Chashu Buns. Their mind were blown! Oh! And I started watching The Walking Dead with my guy MS. Yep. I'm hooked!

Day 39: 3.12 Miles - Knowing that I would be achy again in the morning, I decided to go to the gym to cycle. After a 5k distance I went to the privacy of my own apartment to do 15 minutes of kettlebell work. During that time I watched an entire episode of NCIS, which is awesome since I'm trying to catch up to M. The rest of my day was waiting in line at a county office to turn in my passport renewal form only to learn that if you type it out online and print it... you have to MAIL it yourself. Ugh. I spent the rest of the afternoon with my mom before doing laundry and cuddling with my cat.

Day 40: 3.24 Miles -I couldn't run this morning, so after work I headed to the gym. While I killed it on the treadmill I watched an episode of NCIS and totally had an "oh my god! what!??" moment when I watched Ziva's dad Eli and Director Vance's wife Jackie are killed. I ran an extra 0.14 of a mile to watch the end of the episode before I walked back to my apartment to snack on yogurt and watched the next episode! I have to say... I stayed up waaaaay past my bedtime watching more episodes.

Day 41:  0 Miles - It was so hard to wake up this morning! But I did it! My NCIS binge made me so tired, but then again I woke up all of a sudden at 6am. So I popped another episode on and watched half of it before I feel back asleep.

Day 42:  4.20 Miles - A nice mid-morning run with a good sprinkling of hills mixed in. It was a good training run, and I was glad I got 4 miles in instead of 3. I still had plenty of time to chill and get ready for work at a relaxing pace too. Bonus!

Day 43: 0 Miles - Nothing today, just work work work. But MS and I went out to dinner at Resident Taqueria for the very first time. Omigosh! Some of the best tacos ever! 

Day 44:  0 Miles - More work that I don't want to do. I was so happy to see the end of the work day!

Total Miles this week:  10.56 Miles

Miles to Date: 54.94 Miles

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

OMaD - Week 6 Recap

Race week! I couldn't believe that the Hot Chocolate Run was this Saturday! Exciting!

January 31- February 6

Day 31: 0 Miles - I'm liking this sleeping in on Sunday morning versus waking up to go run. But it still feels a little weird since I spent August through December of last year training for the marathon, I was up and at 'em Sunday mornings. I'm sure once I get my butt kicked a bit at the 15k this Saturday, I'll be back to my old schedule to be ready for the Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon in March.

Day 32: 6.20 Miles - Monday's mid-morning run! It was in the 50s, and when I looked out my windows it was clean blue skies and sunny. Whoa! So I picked out one my tank tops and my running compression shorts. Slapped on some sun lotion on my arms and shoulders. Then I got caught texting my mom for a couple of minutes. By the time I got out to the park, the sky was overcasted, and it there was an occasion cooler breeze hitting me. I pulled on my arm warmers at the last minute then hit the trails. I had a fast pace going into the run, and if I had put my mind to it I could get myself back up to that faster pace if I was slowing down. I was hoping that I could do up to 7 miles, but on top of working harder towards the end of the run I also had a time limit. Oh! I was listening to the Green Day Pandora station and this popped on! Talk about a blast from the past!

After my run I spent the rest of my day at my parents'. I spent all day pretty much craving the tuna fish sandwich I mentioned last week! Yum! I'll need to try to make it real soon!

Day 33: 0 Miles -Kettlebell workout! 30 minutes of fun! I actually like doing these workouts. My legs felt a little jelly-like when I was trying to hurry through getting ready for work, and when I drove out to run a Target errand before work as part of a silly surprise for my guy. Walking in non-supported shoes (aka girly shoes) when you have jelly workout legs and when you in a rush cause you are do not want to be late for work is HARD! But I was extremely successful in this special errand.

Day 34: 0 Miles - So, I've been really bad at taking my iron pills and other supplements. The results? Yep, you guessed it. I'm tired a lot. I was ready for a calm date night. We had to run some errands before dinner, which ended up being Jack in the Box cause errands ran so late. But we soon enough were snuggled up on the couch to watch a cheesy, but good episode of X-Files.

Day 35: 0 Miles - I could've gone for a 5k run this morning. I guess. But I stayed in bed. It was COLD outside again! Hee hee. Besides, I desperately had to go to the grocery store before work, which I knew would take some time, and I didn't want to be late for work again. So, it's a rest day. I want to make sure that I'm good and ready to hit that hilly course on Saturday! Also! On this day, I have decided that after Saturday, I will only have two. Count 'em two. 2. Dos. Deux. Zwei. Desserts per week. A coworker bought three packages of cookies in today. So I had my full of Chips Ahoy to the point that I feel like and think I look like The Oatmeal's Blerch. Ugh.

Day 36: 0 Miles - No work out today. Though, I which there was. I spoke a very crotchety person at my local postal. I had called asking if appointments were needed just to drop off a completed passport renwal form and needed documents. She talked to me like I was idiot. Thanks.

Day 37: 9.43 Miles - Hot Chocolate Run 15k!!! This is the fifth year that I have run this race. This race as the first that I have ever run. This year was the first time I've run the 15k. Also, this was my first Beef-sponsered race so I got to wear my Beef Team jersey! My mom was running 5k along with my bestie J. Me, H, and JP waited inside the Automotive Building until it was time for the 15k runners to get in the corrals. What it all the more exciting that my guy made it to the corral just before my start to wish me a good run, and he was there at the finish line! Awwww!!! After the run, Mom, my guy M, and I hung out in the Automotive Building laughing till we snorted (a good sign between parent unit liking M). I had to go to work the rest of the day, which made me pretty tired. But M made Breakfast for Dinner (pancakes, eggs, hash browns, and sausages) for me! Yum!

Total Miles this week: 15.63 Miles

Miles to Date: 44.38 Miles

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

OMaD - Week 5 Recap

I have how many days until my first 15k???? I've been struggling to get back into a solid running routine since the marathon back in the middle of December. I had all intentions to have a running schedule set up to get me ready for the Hot Chocolate 15k run in February, but it isn't going very well. It's so cold out in the mornings that I would prefer to just hibernate until the morning lows are in the 50s again. 

January 24- January 30

Day 24: 0 Miles - Totally decided to enjoy the morning before having to go to work for the afternoon. One consolation is that I knew that the weather would be just as beautiful the next day than it would be on Sunday when I was stuck inside.

Day 25: 6.22 Miles - I finally hit the 10k! I was going to run 6 no matter what. Irregardless of whether it was painful or torturous I would run it. Honestly, I there was never a minute that I hated running, which was a great sign! I was ready to stop at the 10k mark, but if I really had to I get myself to go another half mile up to a full mile more. I think this is a very good sign that I won't die at the 15k in a couple of weeks! When I got home I did about 10 to 15 minutes worth of kettlebell work before I had breakfast.

Day 26: 0 Miles - I did a 25 minute kettlebell workout this morning. I used the same video that I mentioned last week. When I was done with that I did some other core move with the kettlebell. Then I ran a few errands and was off to work. I swear I probably walked 2 miles almost non stop at work too. After feeling the burn of my morning workout then being on the go at work alllll day my legs were tired when I got home. But I couldn't rest and ended up tidying some things up a bit before I totally crashed on the couch watching The Great British Baking Show.

Day 27: 0 Miles - A little bit calmer at work today than yesterday, but I still have some projects that need to be done. For some reason I have a fire lit under my but to get started on them!

Day 28: 4.24 Miles - After all that work at work yesterday I was still feeling something at the top of my shin this morning. So! Instead of running this morning, I totally slept in big time (it was my day off, thankfully!) then hit the gym to spin for 30 minutes.

Day 29: 0 Miles - Spent the evening with my guy who had the worse of work. We ended up eating the best tasting tuna fish sandwich I have ever had (picture to come soon!) and cookies before passing out watching the first season of The X-Files.

Day 30: 0 Miles -Work, work, work. I'm so ready for the weekend.

Total Miles this week: 10.46 Miles 

Miles to Date: 28.75 Miles